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Together We ROC!

The Ecology Center 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

Together We ROC! photo credit: Alex FarahJoin the Regenerative Organic Alliance in gathering for a fresh farm-to-fork dinner, live music, and dynamic networking with ROC-Star producers and brands – all…

Free – $2,000.00

ROLC x The Ecology Center – Pre-Field Day Webinar

Online - Zoom

Please join us in advance of our Regenerative Organic Learning Center at The Ecology Center with an informative Webinar featuring ROA staff and guests.  

Regenerative Organic Learning Center (ROLC) at The Ecology Center

The Ecology Center 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

This field day is geared towards assisting other farmers and producers in the area transitioning to Regenerative Organic Certified® production, as well as onboard other stakeholders who want to be…

ROLC Field Day at Heal the Planet, Summertown TN

Heal the Planet Farm Summertown, Tennessee

Join us in the field at Heal the Planet (Ancient Nutrition) farm in Summertown TN This field day is geared towards assisting other farmers and producers in the area transitioning…

Webinar: Regenerative Organic Learning Center with Oatman Farms

Online - Zoom

Join us for an informative webinar with innovative farming leaders in the Regenerative Organic movement. Oatman Farms, located on the Gila River in Arizona is the first Regenerative Organic Certified…

Together We ROC!

The Ecology Center 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States

You are invited to join the ROA, ROC-Star producers, and brands at the Ecology Center’s Regenerative Organic Certified® farm just 30 minutes from Expo West.

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