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When should I get licensed?

Sooner is always better!  Sometimes the licensing process can take longer than two weeks and you need to be licensed before taking ownership of products or materials with Regenerative Organic Certified® claims.  We suggest getting that application submitted as soon…

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Does my whole supply chain need to be licensed?

Your license will cover the actors in your supply chain through Supply Chain Actor Disclosure Form(s) that you will submit with your online licensee application. Actors in your supply chain do not need to be licensed separately unless they intend…

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What are the license fees?

There is no charge to apply for a license.  Annual fees are based on the revenue from products making Regenerative Organic Certified® claims.  The first year is a flat fee based on estimated revenue of that year and each subsequent…

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How long does it take to get licensed with the ROA?

It can take approximately two weeks from the time we receive an online application until a license is issued.  This assumes that the online application is complete and requires no follow-up or clarifications.  If we need further information, have questions…

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Where can I find ROC Ingredients?

Please see our online directory of all certified operations. You can use the filters to search by crop to find just what you need. Still can’t find it? Post an ad on our Community Announcements page!

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